Advanced Master’s in Nutrition and Dietary Transition
In brief
This programme aims to provide healthcare professionals with skills that are recognised in the fields of nutrition, the nutrition transition, and dietary change.
The strengths of our Advanced Master’s in Nutrition and Dietary Transition
Our Advanced Master’s in Nutrition and Dietary Transition is offered jointly by UCLouvain and HE Vinci. UCLouvain is the lead institution and deals with enrolments.
Good to know
This Advanced Master's degree is aimed at professionals in the health or agri-food sectors, who are seeking to translate theories of nutrition into practice.
The programme covers many of the key dimensions of nutrition. This includes not only health, societal issues, and public health, but also the ‘one health and ecosystems’ approach, the importance of food chains, and the challenges of the nutrition transition and dietary change.
A career in nutrition
In the context of your professional activities, the programme will enable you to better:
- take scientific evidence on nutrition into account,
- apply nutrition or nutrition transition concepts,
- draw on scientific insights to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition and diet,
- educate people to choose responsibly when it comes to nutrition and dietary change,
- work with various members of multidisciplinary teams involved in nutrition and food,
- help to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition in the agri-food and pharmaceutical industries,
- participate in think tanks and working groups with a view to influencing health and consumer policies,
- play a part in promoting health through food,
- incorporate cultural, ethical, legal, and socio-economic dimensions into your activities.
The Programme of studies
This Advanced Master’s is worth 60 credits and includes courses in theory (45 credits) and a dissertation (15 credits).
The programme covers the following themes:
- The fundamentals of nutrition;
- The theoretical and practical aspects of nutrition;
Nutrition, society and public health.