In brief
Learn to ask questions about the phenomena around us using a rigorous scientific approach.
The strengths of the AESI Bachelor in Sciences
- Nurtures open minds through numerous projects: participative structure, international cooperation, well-being and sustainable development unit, etc.
- Provides opportunities for exchange between the different sections leading to the profession of lower secondary teacher. Some of the teaching units bring together all the students from the 6 sections.
About the job
With your AESI Bachelor in your pocket you’ll be called upon to teach the three science disciplines (biology, chemistry and physics) to the first three years in secondary general education stream, and the first three years in the technical and vocational streams.
The skills you acquire through the programme will also enable you to work in the private sector.
The Programme of Study
Programme3 years - 180 credits
In addition to the taught course, the science training also involves experimental work, laboratory work, and science ‘in the field’, etc.
With instruction in the disciplines and complementary instruction in educational psychology, you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to work as a true education professional. A final-year dissertation offers you an opportunity to analyse a topic related to your programme, and which is of interest to you, in greater depth.